Global warming shunned by experts!!!

A post on aftermathnews (originally from | Dec 21, 2007) was concerning because it detailed of the rejection of the Climate change issue by prominent scientists. A few qoutes off a scientist (research physicist John W. Brosnahan, who develops remote-sensing instruments for atmospheric science for clients including the National Read more…

these dudes' got issues

Purely on whim, I googled “Nepal” and “blog” and came up with an interesting number of hits, the most conspicuous and interesting being blogdai – a blogger who seems to have been around for a number of years. Blogdai is an anonymous blogger who has an interesting take ( a Read more…


I had just started to assimilate a relatively new term for me – “neogeography” courtesy of Wikimapia, Google Earth, Wikipedia, Blinkgeo and Slashgeo. I have been in awe at the wonders what crowdsourcing could do to facilitate a more user generated supported and verified geospatial data that is free for Read more…

AGLOGO going bust!!!

I still remember my induction into the Web 2.0 craze and me going all bonkers about a web company supposedly going to share its profits with its user group (that would also include a very exuberant me). Sadly, the group fizzled out before paying up. Here’s an excerpt of the Read more…

Only in America

What’s great about America? Everything (maybe). Its the land of opportunity and the land of freedom. The state respects the citizen’s freedom of speech and ideology. Fascists, leftists, chauvinists, environmentalists, animal activists; all seem to have made their niches in the United States of America. It is a good thing Read more…

wiki on gay celebrities

On a fresh note, here’s a new wiki that seems to have started recently. It is a new wiki hosted by wikia on Gay Celebrities. The take is nice and funny and hopefully, down the lane we will see a lot of celebrity names popping up on this wiki. A Read more…


Happened to watch it after quite some time (the movie being released for quite some time and everything). Its definitely an eye opener, though. The movie was not great to start with, but after a while it picked up. Shortly into the movie, you covet a socialized healthcare scheme in Read more…