Boycotting the KFC in Kathmandu

This was/is one of my silent resolutions of 2010. Amidst all the hype with the new venture dead centre in Kathmandu, I had my mind set on boycotting the eatery! Why? This resolution gained ground, primarily because I did not want to pay a shit load for Brazilian chicken KFC supposedly Read more…

tag cloud from wordle! Images of Wordles are licensed . Pasted below is my “word cloud” generated from Wordle simply by providing my URI, which I tried out after reading a post on the Km4dev discussion forum. The FAQs listed on the wordle website mention that the size of the words in the Read more…

What is Branding?

photo from Apparently, branding is not just stamping your body with a red hot iron (as they normally do with cattle) or getting the name of your brand magically tattooed on your butt cheeks so they etch out “Tenacious D“. The corporate terminology supposedly encompasses a lot more; changes Read more…

bottoms up!

Cheers! Chin Chin!! Salut! Gyambe!! Bottoms up!! are interjections that we as social beings, use while at the water hole, gobbling up goodies and sloshing down mugs/jugs/shots/glasses of alcohol. The usual Friday when friends and/or acquaintances meet for abnormal doses of booooooze, we tend to be in a jovial mood Read more…