Figured I would start a blog and be using it as my pensieve to put in my memories, musings into it so that say ten years from now I would smile at the outlandish thoughts that bemused me during my quarterlife crisis. That never seems to happen.
Why? You may ask…
Its just that kickstarting a thing is one thing but to put things into gear and continue feeding the fire seems to be harder than releasing your bowels when you have constipation. Remember the times, when you were having a particularly bad day in the loo and you scrunch too hard and nothing comes out.. ditto!! my friends! I am currently going through much of the same.
So I guess its time for a premature hiatus from the blogging world.
Photo credit: dvdrtrgn on Flickr
Anonymous · 20 January 2008 at 10:43 pm
hahaha…rather funny…your ‘quarterlife crisis’…interesting…
Anonymous · 20 January 2008 at 4:58 pm
hahaha…rather funny…your ‘quarterlife crisis’…interesting…
learning to click « back-links for Maden's blog · 6 March 2011 at 1:34 am
[…] writer’s block […]