Presentation on Social Media

Presentation on Social Media
My presentation focused on social media and touched base on Web 1.0 Vs Web 2.0, popular social networks such as Facebook, twitter, Linkedin, Flickr, Youtube, among others. It also provided insights into flash mobs, and the use of social media in advocacy, presenting a case of the peace rally in 2010.

Google insights for search

Stumbled upon this tool – Google Insights for Search from Google via delicious. I thought it was Google Hot trends zeitgeist revamped! But it seems, it is branded as a separate product that is similar to Google Trends but better – it allows you to download stats and even embed Read more…

A longer than expected day hike!

A day hike from Lakuri bhanjyang to Godavari turned out longer than expected. This happened because of an unanticipated Pani Puja/Jatra that ensued at Godavari leading us to lengthen our hike another four or more kilometres all the way to Hari Siddhi. This was also partly due to the extended Read more…

tag cloud from wordle! Images of Wordles are licensed . Pasted below is my “word cloud” generated from Wordle simply by providing my URI, which I tried out after reading a post on the Km4dev discussion forum. The FAQs listed on the wordle website mention that the size of the words in the Read more…

Geoweb 2.0 Capitalising on Web 2.0 features, Google Maps, Wikimapia, OpenStreetMap among others, are free services that allow non-spatial people to relate and contribute to the creation of maps. Such services integrate and generate contributions from a wider audience, and facilitate collaboration in the spatial domain. Using online volunteers as vanguards, Read more…

Geospatial reawakening

The other day at work was particularly notable. A division at work showcased its accomplishments in the Geosciences domain. Presentations over a half day session showcased and stressed on what adding a geo dimension to all things non spatial can do. I found the showcasing particularly interesting because of my Read more…

This is a first for me (a Google error)

This is exactly as Google said it. I was minding my business, researching material for a work project and then lo.. Google lowjacked me with this.. :=] We’re sorry… … but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect our users, we Read more…

Collaboration: when heads meet!

Various services provide tools for collaborative work spaces with features that cater to collaborative work, often allowing users (read collaborators) with varied technical strengths to collaborate on any given idea/project. A mailing list is perhaps the very first mode of  a “one to many” connections, and is readily understood by Read more…