Geoweb 2.0 Capitalising on Web 2.0 features, Google Maps, Wikimapia, OpenStreetMap among others, are free services that allow non-spatial people to relate and contribute to the creation of maps. Such services integrate and generate contributions from a wider audience, and facilitate collaboration in the spatial domain. Using online volunteers as vanguards, Read more…

Geospatial reawakening

The other day at work was particularly notable. A division at work showcased its accomplishments in the Geosciences domain. Presentations over a half day session showcased and stressed on what adding a geo dimension to all things non spatial can do. I found the showcasing particularly interesting because of my Read more…


I had just started to assimilate a relatively new term for me – “neogeography” courtesy of Wikimapia, Google Earth, Wikipedia, Blinkgeo and Slashgeo. I have been in awe at the wonders what crowdsourcing could do to facilitate a more user generated supported and verified geospatial data that is free for Read more…