World database on protected areas revamped

The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), managed by the World Conservation Monitoring Center, maintains a list of protected areas from the world over. A joint project of the United Nations Environment Program and the International Union for Conservation of Nature, this initiative provided scientists & conservationists free data (Protected Read more…

Global e-conference on “Culture and Risk: Understanding the Socio-Cultural Settings that Influence Risk from Natural Hazards”

Yet another e-conference from International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and the Mountain Forum Secretariat (MFS) (Nepal) after the Mountain GIS e-Conference. This time, the theme is different as it has much to do with Culture and Risk and leans towards the socio-cultural aspects unlike the earlier conference which Read more…

Geoweb 2.0 Capitalising on Web 2.0 features, Google Maps, Wikimapia, OpenStreetMap among others, are free services that allow non-spatial people to relate and contribute to the creation of maps. Such services integrate and generate contributions from a wider audience, and facilitate collaboration in the spatial domain. Using online volunteers as vanguards, Read more…

Geospatial reawakening

The other day at work was particularly notable. A division at work showcased its accomplishments in the Geosciences domain. Presentations over a half day session showcased and stressed on what adding a geo dimension to all things non spatial can do. I found the showcasing particularly interesting because of my Read more…

Creative Commons Content

Gran Paradiso – Aprile 2007 Originally uploaded by mamocalillo The image above is of the Alpine Ibex found inĀ Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy. One of many other images in mamocalillo (Mauro Caccivio)‘s photostream on Flickr, the image was released under a cc by-nc-sa license. I used this image and a Read more…

bottoms up!

Cheers! Chin Chin!! Salut! Gyambe!! Bottoms up!! are interjections that we as social beings, use while at the water hole, gobbling up goodies and sloshing down mugs/jugs/shots/glasses of alcohol. The usual Friday when friends and/or acquaintances meet for abnormal doses of booooooze, we tend to be in a jovial mood Read more…