Bottled Water woes

Blogger Diane Francis at the Huffingtonpost writes about bottled water: The height of stupidity, where she mentions the cost aspects of the bottled water sold in the departmental stores across the States. She also draws up interesting maths to support her connotation as can be seen in the figure below Read more…

The climate change dilemma!

I understand that the Climate Change is indeed an inevitable thing and that we humans are responsible for a major part of it (if not all of it) as stated by big brother Al Gore and The IPCC secretariat. There’s probably hard science behind it and maybe a bit of Read more…

Blame it on the climate!!

Food for thought – the evenings here in Kathmandu are windier; the days are equally warmer (summer is in). But is it earlier than usual? brief heavy showers tag along, while thunder and lightning punctuate the dark evenings (we still have a few hours of load shedding in spite of Read more…

how true!!

Wanda: a blog?Hank: Yeah a blog. It’s short for web log. Web because it’s on the internet and log because umm…Brent: They were originally printed on wood.Hank: Right.Wanda: Well why waste this on us, when you can put it on the internet and have the whole world ignore it. (Sue Read more…

What is Branding?

photo from Apparently, branding is not just stamping your body with a red hot iron (as they normally do with cattle) or getting the name of your brand magically tattooed on your butt cheeks so they etch out “Tenacious D“. The corporate terminology supposedly encompasses a lot more; changes Read more…

No bread? Let them eat cake

““Let them eat cake.”1 Well mud cakes for that matter, for break fast, lunch and dinner. Haitians seem to have resorted to eating mud cakes after basic amenities like (rice, beans and milk) became unaffordable. Rising oil prices meant unaffordable food prices, specially in the Caribbean where most of the Read more…

emotive chain letters

Today, I received an emotive email asking me to petition against the closure of a South African institution in Capetown that polices child abuse. Having read the email, I almost put my name on the bottom and forwarded the petition to unsuspecting friends and family. I Googled “Cape Town 9-month Read more…