Ignorance is bliss!!

Ignorance is bliss, or is it? What if, we were all oblivious to the pesticides, antibiotics in our food, the smoke/smog in our atmosphere, the toxins in the drinking water and the problems with all our daily lives (carpal tunnel Read more…

Geoweb 2.0

http://www.flickr.com/photos/jangelo/238321343/ Capitalising on Web 2.0 features, Google Maps, Wikimapia, OpenStreetMap among others, are free services that allow non-spatial people to relate and contribute to the creation of maps. Such services integrate and generate contributions from a wider audience, and facilitate Read more…

Geospatial reawakening

The other day at work was particularly notable. A division at work showcased its accomplishments in the Geosciences domain. Presentations over a half day session showcased and stressed on what adding a geo dimension to all things non spatial can Read more…

Bottled Water woes

Blogger Diane Francis at the Huffingtonpost writes about bottled water: The height of stupidity, where she mentions the cost aspects of the bottled water sold in the departmental stores across the States. She also draws up interesting maths to support Read more…