I managed to setup two installations on this web space so generously provided by my friends at CodeartsNepal.com.
Essentially, it is a Mailing list manager that allows web-masters to send out newsletters (HTML or otherwise) to subscribers. There are other options as configuring a Mail man installation (hear its significantly more complex) or using a Mail chimp or Constant Contact among other paid services to keep your contacts/subscribers updated.
Managing news
A solution developed by Development Seed based on Drupal, the site syndicates and publishes geolocated feed item (RSS, Atom, KML or CSV) onto a world map. The project uses over 30 open source projects to deliver a robust news aggregation service. I configured it to show items bookmarked on my Delicious account and shared items on my Google profile.
One other screwup 🙁
A failed attempt at a Ruby on Rails (RoR) within my site that almost screwed up my existing WordPress (the blog) installation, I am considering doing a RoR on Lampp on my Ubuntu installation at home; so much for having your development environment and production environment separate. Lampp on a portable Ubuntu (pubuntu) was pretty successful, I only need to redo the steps in Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. I also need to patch the managing news installation so that it automatically syncs the map with my shared items. Right now, I update the site using the import feed button manually time and again.