wiki on gay celebrities

On a fresh note, here’s a new wiki that seems to have started recently. It is a new wiki hosted by wikia on Gay Celebrities. The take is nice and funny and hopefully, down the lane we will see a lot of celebrity names popping up on this wiki. A Read more…

random photoshop antics

I was browsing through stuff in my old hard drive and some how managed to fish out this e-card that I made some time during last year (or the year before last) for my sister in law’s birthday and figured it would make a funny post. It is made a Read more…

I am facebooking, aren't you?

Its been some time now, facebook seems to have developed into a completely addictive surfing habit. Its not just me, its almost everybody that I know. My friends from high school, friends from college, colleagues at the office, you name ’em and they’re in it. Everybody is all raves about Read more…

Things worth checking out on the web

Of late, I have been quite nerdy, i guess; gobbling everything there is on the internet. To shortlist a few, a wonderful resource for e-books. If you are not tired of staring at the screen all day and want to stare more, try this link. It hosts links to Read more…